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Nurse Executive Exam Cram (Basic)

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Course Description

The Nurse Executive Exam Cram (Basic) is designed to provide an overview of those subjects that are included in the ANCC certification exam. Subjects covered include: professional practice, with focus on nursing theory, research, quality improvement, process improvement, change theory and ethics. Healthcare economics is reviewed, as well as the healthcare environment. Lastly, delivery of care including: regulatory, process outcome, Magnet recognition, benchmarking, charts and graphs are described. The course is a fast-paced, intense presentation, and review of the exam blueprint along with preliminary study is recommended prior to attending. After attending, participants are encouraged to create a study plan individualized to meet their needs to successfully pass this exam.

Program Learning Outcomes

This program prepares the learner to:

  • Describe the Nurse Executive (Basic), test plans and the practice requirements to sit for the exam.
  • Develop a study plan for the exam based on understanding the blueprint and domains of practice covered.
  • Identify common mistakes and pitfalls that are made during studying and testing for the exam.


Sign-in begins at 7:30 am. The day includes a one-hour lunch (on your own), as well as a morning and afternoon break of 15 minutes each. The order of lectures presented and break times may vary according to speaker preference.

8:00 am to 4:30 pm

  • Review of Leadership Styles | Differences in Institution Plan | Global Review of Nursing Theorists
  • Components of Institutional Strategic Planning | Company Organization | Role of Human Capital
  • Labor Relations | Legal Organizations
    Negotiation | Arbitration | Unionization | Groupthink | Just Culture
  • Basic Formulas | Criminal vs. Civil Law
    Staffing, Profit, Loss Formulas | Torts and Concepts of Medical Negligence
  • Federal Documents | Medicaid and Medicare Differences and Similarities
  • Staffing Guidelines/Formulas | Nursing Models | Model of Nursing Professionalism
  • Change Models | Quality Improvement Theory and Terminology | Emotional Intelligence