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Med-Surg Exam Cram

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Course Description

This one-day course is designed to provide nurses with the tools, confidence and knowledge to successfully complete the Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam. This is a condensed version of the two-day review. The exam content outline and blueprints from the ANCC and MSNCB® were used to develop this program. Topics covered from the exam content outlines will include: review of body systems, cardiac, pulmonary, gastrointestinal and diabetes. Pathophysiology of disease processes, including signs and symptoms and treatment modalities, will be presented. The nursing process and nursing-practice roles in the management of patient care will be discussed through case scenarios and sample questions. Aspects of the Practice Domains will be addressed, and strategies for test-taking will also be covered.

Program Learning Outcomes

This program prepares the learner to:

  • Self-report at a 95% rate an increase in knowledge in order to pass the Medical-Surgical Exam Review.


Sign-in begins at 7:30 am. The day includes a one-hour lunch (on your own), as well as a morning and afternoon break of 15 minutes each. The order of lectures presented and break times may vary according to speaker preference.

8:00 am to 5:00 pm

  • ANCC vs. MSNCB 
    Initial and Recertification Criteria | Costs | Exam Blueprints
  • Cardiovascular Disorders
    Medications | Acute Coronary Syndromes | Heart Failure | Hypertension
  • Pulmonary Disorders
    Medications | COPD and Asthma | Pneumothorax | ABGS
  • Neurologic Disorders
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders
    Fractures and Immobilization Devices | Rhabdomyolysis | Compartment Syndrome
  • Behavioral Disorders
    Delirum and Dementia | Alcohol Withdrawal | Suicide Risk
  • Professional Role
    Nursing Theories
  • Immunological Considerations
  • Hematologoical Disorders
    Sickle-Cell Disease | DVT | Blood Products
  • Endocrine Disorders
    Thyroid Disorders | DKA | Hypoglycemia
  • Renal & GU Disorders
    Fluids and Electrolytes | Renal Injury and Failure
  • Gastrointestinal and Multisystem Disorders
    GI Bleed | Acute Abdomen | Sepsis
  • Multisystem Disorders
  • Test-Taking Strategies

*MSNCB® is a registered trademark of the Medical-Surgical Nursing certification Board, which neither sponsors nor endorses MED-ED.